5 Minute Christmas make

5 Minute Christmas make



Today I am sharing a 5 minute make, we all feel pushed for time at this time of year and often remember at the last moment that we forgot to make a card for a loved one, hopefully I have you covered with todays card.



I am using 1 stamp set, the Festive Floral Frame and 1 embossing powder, Altenew's Platinum embossing powder for this card. The use of an anti static bag is vital to achieving a clean look.


Working on a Navy A2 note card I wiped the antistatic bag over the surface several times, this will ensure that the embossing powder sticks to only the inked surfaces.



I use a stamping platform to make sure that all stamps are lined up and if they need to be reinked they stay in the same place. Using an embossing ink pad I inked tht stamps and stamped them onto the card. I then sprinkled with the embossing powder.


I then tip the embossing powder back into the pot and heat set the stamped image. Once the embossing powder is set and cooled I use a microfibre cloth to gently buff the surface and remove any of the antistatic powder.

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