Summer Houses

Summer Houses


Late posting tonight as we've been out in the sunshine today but as I've been working on a magazine comission for a Christmas feature this week using Concord and 9th's Over the Rooftops Stamps and Dies (I always seem to be making Christmas comissions on hot summer days - its weird!) and still had them on my desk I thought I'd give them a summery twist.


I love the house dies, the Georgian styling puts me in a Bridgerton mood (roll on part 2 of this season!) and although designed for Christmas they work well for any time of the year.   Here's I paired them with another Concord and 9th Die set - Downtown City Stacks to add some trees, garden furniture and a car.


All assembled from Concord and 9th card stock with a few dots of red liquid pearls to create blossom on the trees and layered on simple strips of card to create a background scene.  The stamped sentiment is from the Rooftop set which have both Christmas and general themes.



  • Greetery restocks are due tomorrow.
  • Altenew's May release is in transit and due later this week.


That's all for tonight.


Happy Crafting!



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