Lawn Fawn in the Desert

Lawn Fawn in the Desert

I've swapped with Bev today so I can bring you some inspiration from the latest Lawn Fawn collection before it sells out!   Bev will bring her inspiring post to you tomorrow.

I've combined Critters in the Desert with the Treat Cart stamp and created a simple one layer card with a masking technique (stamping the tortoise and banana split first, covering with masking paper/post-its by stamping onto it and fussy cutting) then stamping the other elements over the top to make them appear behind him. 


To colour the scene I used just pencils - I started with the background and opted for a desert sunset - I drew a brown base line and a blue top line then added gentle shading and blended it out with sansoder blending solution and blending stumps adding some harder dots to the sand.   Then I coloured the stamped elements with stronger pressure to make it stand out from the background.   A few dots of liquid pearl in the sky for stars and the punny sentiment was all that was needed to finish off the card.

As always with Lawn Fawn releases, it goes a little nuts - so that's all for me today whilst I start packing the orders Rick has already pulled from the stock room for me - we'll do our best to get as many in the post today as we can before our collection slot at 4pm this afternoon.

Happy Lawn Fawning!



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